Our region in Lower Austria is known for it’s numerous well marked hiking trails and comfortable mountain lodges.
Enjoy the great view of the vally from one of the hiking trails. Start your round trip directly from our campsite…
Photos of your „guided hiking tours“
If you plan a challenging hiking tour, you can choose from diverse mountain tops or canyons close-by.
Rest in one of the numerous mountain lodges and taverns. We will happily send you any information needed, and answer any of your questions
We’d like to show you the most beautiful areas in the „Voralpen“!
We offer easy walking tours in and round the small town Traisen on the one side and hiking tours in the mountains on the other side. You’ve got the choice!
Don’t miss a hearty meal after a day in the mountains.
Sample of our Top – Tours:
- Circular route: Traisen & Stockerhütte
- Mountain: Muckenkogel (Hinteralm 1313m) in Lilienfeld
- Mountain: Kaiserkogelhütte in Eschenau
- Canyon: Ötschergräben
- Falls: Trefflingfall
- Canyon & Fall: Steinwandklamm und Myrafall